PRIMAL Season One Review
0Primal is an animated action-horror series centered around the time of the dinosaurs. Season one follows the life of Spear and Fang, a caveman-dinosaur duo who...
Primal is an animated action-horror series centered around the time of the dinosaurs. Season one follows the life of Spear and Fang, a caveman-dinosaur duo who...
A Day in the Life of a Tyrannosaur Family During the Cretaceous Cretaceous takes place in a small slice of Laramidia, one of the island-continents of...
Coming of Age for the Most Famous Dinosaur of all Time I was more than excited when I got the email about reviewing Ted Rechlin’s latest...
A Thunder-full Dinosaur Tail A baby Brontosaurus calf is the star of Ted Rechlin’s graphic novel Jurassic, which I find an interesting choice. Most dinosaur fiction...